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Stevenage Borough Council
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Have your say
Have your say
Consultations - Green Spaces and Tree and Woodland Strategies
Have your say on the draft strategies and help shape Stevenage’s green future
Planning Policy Consultations
We are consulting on our Local Plan Partial Review (LPPR) and Update Regulation 19 consultation
Proposed Traffic Orders
Information about proposed traffic regulation orders, how to have your say and when they close
Lettable Standard Survey
Help us to improve our services by taking the Lettable Standard Survey
Compliments and Complaints
Make a complaint or compliment us about a service
Aids and Adaptations Policy Consultation
Have your say on the changes we are considering for this service.
Proposed New Sports & Leisure Centre: Have your Say
The consultation is closed but you can still see the draft designs
Repairs Satisfaction Survey
Tell us about a recent repair and what to do if you have a complaint
Committee Meetings
Links to committee meetings including Cabinet and Council
Consultation and Engagement
We always invite residents to share their views on our services
Tenant Satisfaction Survey
An annual survey for council tenants to tell us what they think
Taxi Complaints and Feedback
Make an online complaint about a taxi journey
Ward Surgeries
Find out when and where you can meet your local councillor
Electoral Review of Stevenage Borough Council
New warding arrangements for the Borough of Stevenage
Submit a petition
Find out how to submit a petition