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Stevenage Local Plan Partial Review and Update 2024 consultation

The Stevenage Borough Local Plan was adopted on 22 May 2019. The Plan is the key planning policy document setting a vision for the future development of Stevenage. It looks to guide development and covers areas like housing, the built and natural environment, infrastructure, businesses, open spaces and more.

The Local Plan Review, at this stage, consists of a Partial Review and Update of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan.

This consultation will run for six weeks, from 5 July to 15 August 2024.

To view a simple explainer of the Local Plan which explains what the Local Plan is, what changes are being made to it and help on your response, download the review document below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I respond?

You can respond online, read all supporting documents and helpful guides by going to our preferred platform for consultation comments.

Local Plan Partial Review consultation portal - opens new windowExternal Link - opens in a new window

Closed Consultations

Stevenage Cycle Hire Consultation

This consultation closed on 24 September 2023.

We are working with the Stevenage community and businesses to introduce a Stevenage Cycle Share Scheme.

The Stevenage Cycle Share Scheme aims to transform travel across Stevenage, making active travel the number one choice for travelling to work, educational facilities, and shopping as well as for leisure and visiting family and friends.

Our objectives:

  • Encourage a change in the way we use local transport by providing an efficient complement to public transport
  • Offer an alternative to driving for short trips, reducing congestion and air pollution
  • Make cycle share available to the public at a low cost
  • Improve access to jobs, education, and amenities with “first/last mile” connectivity
  • Increased number of people cycling, leading to improved health and wellbeing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Closed Consultations

Stevenage Station Gateway Area Action Plan Consultation

Stevenage Gateway Area Action Plan Consultation

Consultation for the Area Action Plan was held from 30 January to 18 March.
As part of the regeneration of the town, the area around the Railway Station bounded by the railway tracks and Lytton Way has been identified as a key site for new development and change.

An Area Action Plan aims to:

  • provide specific guidance on how new developments and changes to local spaces can be made, reflecting the unique circumstances of the area
  • help to overcome the challenges the area faces, now and in the future
  • ensure that changes benefit the community and act as a catalyst for developers interested in supporting this important part of planning policy

This consultation closed on Saturday 18 March. Documents relating to the consultation are available to view below.

If you have any queries regarding this consultation, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Policy Team,