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Housing Allocation Policy update

From October to December 2022, we consulted on a new Allocation Policy, which our Executive approved on 12 October 2023.

You can download and view the new policy and guide on the Housing Allocation Scheme page.

We plan to launch the new policy later in 2024. During this transition, we'll review all current applicants to ensure the information we hold is accurate and up to date.

We will also write to all applicants detailing how the new policy may affect their current application.

To accommodate essential system changes reflecting our new policy, the online housing register will be closed from Monday, 13 May 2024. Online applications will resume once the system has been updated.

If you're removed from the register, you can reapply under the new policy, if eligible, when applications reopen.

If you have an urgent need to join the register, please contact the Lettings Team on 01438 242242 or email

If you are homeless or are at imminent risk of becoming homeless, please our contact Housing Options Team via Get Housing Advice or call 01438 242242. 

What is the housing register?

The housing register is a record of all the applicants who have applied to the council to be considered for housing in either a council owned home, or a home owned by another social landlord, usually a Housing Association.

Who can apply?

Any eligible applicant aged 16 or over can apply to join the housing register and will qualify to join unless:

  • They have given false or misleading information or withheld relevant information in connection with their application.
  • They do not have an established local connection to Stevenage. (Are not currently resident and have not been resident in Stevenage for the five of the last seven years.)
  • They are the owner of residential property.
  • They are considered to be unsuitable to be a tenant because of unacceptable behaviour.

If you are a person subject to immigration control, you are not eligible to apply to join the housing register.

How do I apply to join the Housing Register?

Application for the housing register is currently closed while we update the system with our new Allocation Policy which will be launched later in the year.

How to fill in your application form

Watch the video for guidance when filling in the application form.

If you need help to fill in the online form, you can contact our Customer Services Centre on 01438 242242.

Once you have registered, have been accepted on the Housing Register and have a reference number, you can log in to view and bid on suitable properties.

Application prioritisation

Our Accommodation need page shows the types of size and type of accommodation we would normally offer you, dependent upon your circumstances.

Please also see our Banding Guide where you will see the system we used to prioritise housing applications.

Verifying your application

As part of the online Housing Application form we have amended how we verify your application. At point of application we will not be collecting identification or checking your circumstances, other than your local connection, checking on housing related debt and any medical information that may affect your priority banding. Other information will be requested once you receive an offer of accommodation.

You will be required to provide any information requested within 5 working days to prevent the offer being withdrawn. Any false information provided will be considered as housing fraud and investigated as such.

By submitting your housing application you agree to these terms. Please see our leaflet below for details of what information will be needed as proof.

We ask that you do not send in any original documents to us in the post unless this has been expressly requested. When any verification documents are requested you need to make an appointment to visit our Customer Service Centre where copies will be taken of the documents and the originals returned at that time.

It is important that you:

  • give as much information as possible
  • answer all the questions that apply to you and your household
  • provide original documents as requested.

To complete this application you will need the following:

  • National Insurance Number
  • Seven years address history for your and any other applicant.
  • Contact details and personal household information.

Once you have completed the form you, and any second applicant, must agree to the declaration at the end.

Housing information and advice

The demand for council housing far exceeds the supply. Many applicants will face an indefinite wait before they may be offered a council or housing association home and some are unlikely ever to be re-housed.

We always encourage applicants to look into alternatives to council accommodation that are available, for example, the private rented sector or affordable home ownership.

Change of circumstances

If you are on the housing register and you move address or have changes to your household or circumstances, please update us with the new information.