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Below is our Banding Guide which we use to prioritise housing applications.

Bands A to F with descriptions

Band Description
Band A: Urgent Priority Assessment by the council’s medical advisor of an urgent priority on medical grounds
Band B: Very High Priority Criteria Existing band C or D applicant and significant medical factors
Very severe overcrowding (three bedrooms)
Severe overcrowding (two bedrooms) and sharing accommodation
Severe under occupying (2 bedrooms or more)
Successor to a tenancy and is required to move to a smaller property
Senior officer housing needs panel award
Unadaptable property
Category 1 HHSRS hazards – prohibition order - tenant of a private rented sector property
Special needs / Care leavers / 16/17-year-olds (time-limited bidding)
Statutory homelessness
Homeless prevention
Armed forces personnel with urgent housing needs (time limited bidding)
Rehousing guarantee (time-limited bidding)
Band C: High Priority Criteria Assessment by the council’s medical advisor of significant medical factors
Existing band D applicant and moderate medical factors
High hardship, welfare or social grounds
Severe overcrowding (two bedrooms)
Under-occupying by one bedroom
Overcrowding (one bedroom) and sharing accommodation
Opposite sex children sharing a bedroom The applicant has two children of opposite sexes, at least one of whom is aged 11 or over, as permanent members of their household and having to share a bedroom
Armed forces or former armed forces personnel with a local connection
Band D: Medium Priority Criteria Assessment by the council’s medical advisor of Moderate medical factors
Single people and couples with no dependant children as part of their household
Overcrowding (one bedroom) or sharing accommodation
Same sex children sharing a bedroom (11 year+ age gap)
Single person living in a social housing studio flat for over four years or partner joined household
Single applicant or couple aged 60 or over housed in the private or social rented sector and with no other priority. private rented sector property where the council’s environmental health section have confirmed the existence of a category 1 hazard
Band E: Low Priority Criteria Moderate hardship, welfare or social needs
Armed forces or former armed forces personnel without a local connection
Family in flat – no overcrowding
Adequately housed in the private rented sector
Worsening housing circumstances
Single person living in a social housing studio flat for under four years
Band F: No Priority not entitled to be made an offer of accommodation Special needs /care leavers / 16/17-year-olds not ready for independent living
Existing tenant exercising their Right to Buy or Right to Acquire
Unresolved interest in a property
Capital/Equity above the limit
Outside Stevenage
The applicant is in further education or training and living outside Stevenage, but they have a valid local connection
On remand or in custody
Joint applicants cohabiting for less than six months
Existing tenant in breach of tenancy conditions
Housing related debt
Two successful CBL bids but failed to attend viewing or offer of allocation refused
Failure to bid
The applicant has had an offer made under CBL withdrawn
Other applicants: The applicant does not otherwise meet the criteria for bands A – E
All persons owed reasonable preference within section166A(3) of the Housing Act 1996, who do not otherwise meet the criteria for Band A-E