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Stevenage Borough Council
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Housing Policies and Strategies
Housing Policies and Strategies
Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy
Find out how we will work to prevent and reduce homelessness
Housing Allocation Scheme
Our Housing Allocations Scheme and Under-occupation Policy
Housing Asset Management Strategy
Our strategic framework within which we will manage, maintain and invest in our housing assets
Housing Domestic Abuse Policy for Tenants
Our policy for tackling domestic abuse and support victims
Housing for Older People Strategy
A joint strategy with Herts County Council to improve housing options for older people
Housing Revenue Account
How we manage and maintain our housing stock
Improving Energy Efficiency
Read our reports relating to energy efficiency and conservation measures
Open Market Properties
Our approach to buying properties to prevent homelessness
Right to Buy - Buy Back
Our approach to buying back properties sold under the RTB scheme
Right to Buy - Discount Policy
Information if you want to sell your home within five years of the RTB scheme
Tenancy Policy
Find out our approach to tenancy management
Tenancy Strategy
Types and length of tenancies we offer and our housing aims