Climate Change
What are we doing about Climate Change?
We are all noticing changes to our local, national and international weather. Some of which is so profound it will affect where we can live, what we can eat and the planet’s wellbeing as a whole.
On the 12 June 2019, we declared a climate emergency and reconfirmed our commitment to battling climate change by setting a target to ensure Stevenage has net-zero emissions by 2030.
Tackling climate change and improving sustainability must be a key foundation for all Council actions.
To achieve this ambitious target we need our businesses and residents to play their part in reducing their carbon emission. SBC wants to share different ways we can make a change and showcase what SBC and other local employers are doing.
In using the evidence base as a foundation, discussing with interest and stakeholder groups, and then having widespread consultation, we have co-produced a Climate Change Strategy and outlined an Action Plan.
Find out more about the levels of Territorial Green House Gas Emissions for Stevenage and how we compare to other parts of the UK in the infographic below.