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Licence Conditions

To offer tattooing, acupuncture, ear and body piercing, both the person performing the treatment and the premises must be registered with us.

You must provide specific information including details of your premises and any previous convictions for practising without a licence in this field.

How much does a licence cost?

See our Environmental Health Fees and Charges.

How do I apply for a licence?

You can download an application form using the links below.

You will need Adobe Acrobat viewer to be able to fill in the form. 

Please note that to fill in the form you need to open it from Adobe Acrobat and not your web browser (if you open the document in a web browser it will just show a holding page)

When will my application be processed?

We will acknowledge receipt of your application within 4 working days.

We will expect to issue a certificate of registration within 28 days.

Once an application has been made with the appropriate fee, an inspector will undertake an inspection of the premises. If the inspector considers the applicant's procedures and the premises to be suitable, registration will be approved.

The Inspector will check compliance with the Byelaws as well as ensuring that general health and safety requirements are being met. The inspector will be pleased to offer any advice or give any help if you are unsure as to how to meet these obligations.

How do I appeal?

If you have a complaint regarding the application procedure or the operation of any licensed premises, you should initially contact us.

Environmental Health and Licensing

Daneshill House





01438 242908 / 242916