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Licence Conditions

To be a mobile scrap metal collector, you need a mobile collector’s licence from us. If operating from premises in the borough of Stevenage, you will need a site licence from the local authority in the area in which your premise is located. A scrap metal licence, site or mobile, will specify the activity which you may engage in and the place where you can carry out your business.

Supporting documents

All applications will be required to be supported with a basic criminal records check as obtained in advance from Disclosure Scotland.

Certificates will only be accepted if they are dated within 3 months of when the application is made.

For applications submitted via GOV.UK, applicants will be permitted to send supporting documents to us by post.

How much does a licence cost?

See our Environmental Health Fees and Charges.

How do I apply for a licence?

You can apply online at the GOV.UK website.

When will my application be processed?

We will acknowledge receipt of your application within 4 working days.

We will determine your application within 28 days.

All applicants will be required to complete an application form providing their full name. If applying as a company, the company’s trading details and the address of the site to be licensed and/or residential address details must be provided.

For mobile collector licences, the applicant will also be required to submit two passport sized photographs, one of which is to be named and dated on the reverse.

Will tacit consent apply?

No, it is in the public interest that we must process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within a reasonable period, please contact us.

Environmental Health and Licensing

Daneshill House





01438 242908 / 242916