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Functional Economic Market Area Study

(NLP, 2015)

This study helps meet the requirements of the NPPF by defining the functional economic market area(s) that fall within and across the three local authorities of Stevenage, North Hertfordshire and Central Bedfordshire. The was jointly commissioned by the three councils and highlights the basis for how the authorities might work together to accommodate future economic growth in their respective local plans.

Stevenage Employment and Economy Baseline Study

(NLP, 2013)

The study provides current information on the existing employment sites and premises, and assesses future space needs for B class employment uses (offices, industry and warehousing), under a range of different growth scenarios. The study also considers the current and future balance of demand and supply for labour and skills, and potential policy interventions for education and training. Previous iterations of the work are available on request.

Strategic Land Availability Assessment : Employment

(SBC, 2015)

This is a study undertaken at a local level which aims to identify specific sites where new development can be located. The purpose of this phase of the SLAA is to identify sites for employment use.

Employment Technical Paper

(SBC, 2015)

This paper brings together the employment evidence and provides a review of more recent forecasts.

Planning Policy

Stevenage Borough Council

Daneshill House





01438 242158