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SBC Annual CIL rates taking account of Indexation

Charging authorities are required to apply an annually updated index of inflation to keep the levy responsive to market conditions. Schedule 1 of the CIL Regs 2010 (as amended) states that:

“…the index figure for a given calendar year is:... in relation to the calendar year 2020 and any subsequent calendar year, the RICS CIL Index published in November of the preceding calendar year by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors”

This Indexation figure is published each November and must be applied to CIL rates for planning applications approved in the subsequent calendar year.

This Indexation figure is published each November and must be applied to CIL rates for planning applications approved in the subsequent calendar year - RICS Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Index.

Stevenage BC adopted their CIL Charging Schedule in 2020 when the Indexation (Ic) was 334. The CIL Rates (R) included in the adopted CIL Charging Schedule are subject to change based on the indexation in the year that planning permission was granted for a development (Ip). Indexed figures are calculated for each CIL liable development using the RICS CIL Index figures (i.e. R ÷ IC x IP).

For an approximation of what the CIL rates will be for each calendar year (to 2 decimal places), please see the following tables.

Permissions approved from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024
- Index Rate(Ip) : 381
Development typeCIL Rate
 Zone 1Zone 2
Market£45.63/sq m£114.07/sq m
Sheltered housing£114.07/sq m
Extra care housing£45.63/sq m
Retail£68.44/sq m
All other development£0/sq m
Permissions approved from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023
- Index Rate(Ip) : 355
Development typeCIL Rate
 Zone 1Zone 2
Market£42.51/sq m£106.29/sq m
Sheltered housing£106.29/sq m
Extra care housing£42.51/sq m
Retail£63.77/sq m
All other development£0/sq m
Permissions approved from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022
- Index Rate(Ip) : 332
Development typeCIL Rate
 Zone 1Zone 2
Market£39.76/sq m£99.40/sq m
Sheltered housing£99.40/sq m
Extra care housing£39.76/sq m
Retail£59.64/sq m
All other development£0/sq m
Permissions approved from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021
- Index Rate(Ip) : 333
Development typeCIL Rate
 Zone 1Zone 2
Market£39.88/sq m£99.70/sq m
Sheltered housing£99.70/sq m
Extra care housing£39.88/sq m
Retail£59.82/sq m
All other development£0/sq m

Permissions approved from 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2020
– Index Rate (Ip): 334

Development typeCIL Rates
Zone 1Zone 2
Market£40/sq m £100/sq m
Sheltered housing£100/sq m
Extra Care housing£40/sq m
Retail£60/sq m
All other development£0/sq m