Time is running out to register to vote in Stevenage
Local government elections for Stevenage Borough Council are taking place on Thursday 5 May 2022.
Local councillors set the vision and direction at the council and represent their local community. While the election is not until May, planning is already underway.
There are a number of ways to have your say in the election in May – you can vote in a polling station, by post, or by appointing someone you trust to vote on your behalf, which is known as a proxy vote.
The Electoral Registration Officer has sent a letter to all households in the Stevenage area in advance of the elections to let you know who is registered to vote and what your voting arrangements are this year. This letter is important and will give your household further information on how to register to vote, if you are not already registered or how to apply for a postal or proxy vote.
Matt Partridge, Returning Officer for Stevenage Borough Council, said: “We will be considering arrangements for the elections on the 5 May 2022 very carefully in accordance with the associated national guidance to ensure that voters are safe and able to cast their vote.
“If you’re thinking about voting by post, you can apply now. This will make sure your application is processed early, and your postal vote can be sent to you more quickly. It’s easy to apply, and further information can be found on our website.
“You need to be registered to vote to have a say at the election if you are not already registered – the easiest way is online at Gov.uk.”
The key dates to remember for registration are:
Electoral registration – (the deadline to register to vote) Thursday 14 April 2022 (to be effective for this election).
Voting by post - the deadline for receiving new postal vote applications is Tuesday 19 April 2022 at 5pm (to be effective for this election).
Voting by proxy - the deadline for receiving new proxy vote applications is Tuesday 26 April 2022 at 5pm (to be effective for this election).