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Following the annual Modern Slavery Day on Tuesday 18 October, Stevenage Borough Council are proud to continue to raise awareness of modern day slavery.

Stevenage Borough Council understands how important it is to tackle the issue of modern day slavery, which is why we continue to sign and commit to the Modern Slavery Charter. This important charter is designed to support victims and survivors of modern day slavery in Stevenage and North Herts.

The Modern Slavery Charter ensures that exploitation has no place within council supply chains. Providing support and a safe place to go is one of the Modern Slavery initiative’s highest priorities, but looking to the root of the cause is equally important - this is where the Modern Slavery Charter comes in. Members are committed to train their corporate procurement teams, challenge any abnormally low cost tenders and report any contractors that they feel are a concern regarding modern slavery.

If you have concerns about an individual or an establishment in relation to modern slavery or human trafficking, please contact the SADA Modern Slavery Initiative on 01438 242666 or email