Have your say on the new look of Stevenage Station Gateway
It’s a great time to live in Stevenage at present, with plenty of reinvestment happening to fund major redevelopment within our town. Your views will help to shape the renewal and regeneration of Stevenage for future generations.
As part of this consultation, we’d love to hear your comments on the proposals for the Station Gateway Area Action Plan, which has been identified as a key site for new development.
The previous round of consultation closed in November 2021 and as a result, we’ve listened and drawn up new proposals based on this feedback.
We’re now ready to hear your thoughts on these new proposals for the Station Gateway Area Action Plan.
It’s worth bearing in mind that the AAP contains key concepts at this stage and does not suggest specific proposals for the Railway Station or Lytton Way.
Where is the proposed area?
The area includes that around the Railway Station bounded by the railway tracks and Lytton Way. The key gateway for the town has the potential for significant transformation and is used by thousands of people given our well-connected position only 20 minutes from King’s Cross in London. The development will form a key part of the regeneration of the Town Centre.
What is an Area Action Plan?
The Area Action Plan (AAP), provides the planning framework for a specific area of opportunity, change or conservation.
It includes proposed scenarios and visions as to how the Railway Station area and beyond could look and this is where we need you!
This consultation closes on 18 March 2023 and is an opportunity for everyone to have a say in shaping these proposals and the future look of a major gateway into our town.
The Stevenage Connection Area Action Plan: Preferred Options Report will eventually become part of the overall Development Plan for Stevenage.
The Preferred Options report is the first stage in the process of producing an AAP for the Railway Station area.
It outlines the key issues that affect the area identified as site TC4 in the Stevenage Borough Local Plan. This is an early stage of the preparation and initial high-level enhancements, scenarios and options that focus on mobility are presented for feedback from targeted stakeholders.
As a co-operative council, we want to hear your thoughts, so please make them count, share this consultation as far and wide as possible – tell your friends, family and employers as we’d love to hear from as many people as we can.
This consultation will provide a great opportunity for the public and key stakeholders to engage and shape this area. It will also act as a catalyst for developers interested in supporting this key part of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan.
Cllr Simon Speller, Executive Member Environment and Climate Change, Stevenage Borough Council said, “We want Stevenage to be a top destination for businesses and for people to live in, work and visit, as well as a place that our residents are proud to call home.
“As part of this, our town is undergoing major regeneration at present. So why not have your say in how Stevenage will look in years to come? The heritage of the town is an important aspect to us all and this redevelopment will build on that – so I urge you to make your views count and help shape the future of Stevenage Railway Area Action Plan that will help transform our Town Centre.”
The consultation runs from 30 January 2023 to 18 March 2023.
Submit your views today, by using the green button below or e-mailing your thoughts to the Planning Policy Team.
For press enquiries contact Corporate Communications on 01438 242168.