Ahmadiyya Community Ladies Plant Trees to Defeat the Climate Emergency on Centenary
A number of Stevenage Borough councillors were recently invited to a tree planting event at Leaves Spring in Shephall, led by the ladies section of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Stevenage.
As part of plans to mark the centenary of the ladies section of the community, 100,000 trees will be planted across Britain. The leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, has encouraged his members to go green by encouraging each member of his community to: “plant two trees every year…This is how you can flight climate change.”
Stevenage Borough Council is campaigning for #OneStepGreener with a series of pledges to encourage all to make changes to our lifestyles to get the town to its goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2030. Members of the Ahmadiyya ladies section planted 16 new trees with the help of the arboriculture and conservation team at Stevenage Borough Council. The range of Catalpas, Mulberry and Cherry trees will now be cared for by the council’s team at Stevenage Direct Services.
They were joined by Deputy Mayor Margaret Notley who delivered a speech on the importance of planting trees for future generations. Councillor Rob Broom and Councillor Simon Speller also joined them for the morning, along with Councillor John Gardner, Executive member for Environment and Regeneration. He stressed the importance of the work the ladies are doing as Stevenage Borough Council aims to get to net zero emissions by 2030.
The Ahmaddiyya community ladies also plan to plant many more trees in and around Stevenage and North Hertfordshire to help improve biodiversity and local sustainability for the future.