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Do street traders need consent?

We monitor and regulate street traders to ensure that trading is only taking place with consent from us.

Our policy is to oppose all street trading other than from areas approved by us where highway safety will not be impaired. For such sites, street trader's consent must be obtained from us.

Report Illegal Street Trading - opens new windowExternal Link - opens in a new window

The erection of signs or stalls for the sale of produce within the highway, including grass verges, is illegal. However, produce can be sold from the land on which it is grown, but signs advertising such facilities must be clear of the highway and may require Planning Permission. Any unlicensed use of the highway for tables and chairs is an obstruction and may be dealt with by the police.

These are the main types of permission which may have to be obtained before tables and chairs may be placed on a part of the highway:

Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent may be required for the use of the land or building for a café. A fee must be paid for this and planning approval must have been granted before an application will be considered by us.

If tables and chairs are to be put out on a public highway in the town centre (whether it be on the street, pavement or pedestrian area), a licence will be required from the Town Centre Management Company. A fee must be paid before a licence can be issued.

Environmental Health and Licensing

Daneshill House





01438 242908 / 242916