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Who can apply for a Premises Licence?

You must be 18 years or over to apply for a premises licence.

Generally, any person who is aged 18 or over and who is or proposes to carry on a business which involves the use of premises for licensable activities may apply for a premises licence either on a permanent or limited basis.

The following people or organisations may also apply for a premises licence on a permanent or limited basis:

  • A person who makes the application pursuant to any statutory function which they discharge, and which relate to the licensable activities.
  • A person who makes the application pursuant to any function which they discharge by virtue of the King's prerogative.
  • A recognised club.
  • A charity.
  • The proprietor of an educational institution.
  • A health service body.
  • The chief officer of police.

Environmental Health and Licensing

Daneshill House





01438 242908 / 242916