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The Land and Property Asset Register permits access to a list of freehold and leasehold interests in land and buildings owned by us.

Each entry in the list provides core information about a property including the building short code reference (unique to each asset), asset name if applicable, number and street address, and tenure classification.

The list will be updated on an annual basis and will reflect changes where we have either acquired or disposed of assets within in the list. The information was current as at October 2017 in respect of all buildings. The tenure detail of each asset may change on a more frequent basis, and it is always best to check with the Property & Estates Section if you are interested in a particular building.

The list does not include the UPRN number for each asset nor the map reference. These fall under Public Services Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) (replaced the PSMA in April 2020) Licence and restrictions to publishing the data under the Open Government Licence. A full dataset version including the GeoX, GeoY and UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for “using the data to respond to, or interact with the Licensor to deliver or support the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business due to OS licensing restrictions under a PSGA end user licence If you wish to use this data for any other purpose other than supporting the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business, then you should contact Ordnance Survey via their website or telephone 03456 050505 to discuss how they can help you with your requirements”.

The list does not include our housing or assets used to provide sensitive services (such as refuge houses) or infrastructure such as roads, pavements, bus shelters and cycle-ways or other assets including vehicles or IT. Limited information is given on vacant properties for security reasons.

It currently does not include undeveloped land or rights of ways or easements owned by us. We have an ambition to publish a list of undeveloped land to meet the requirements for data transparency.

Any queries relating to the list should be directed to the Property and Estates Department.

Property and Estates