Tenant and Leaseholder Scrutiny Panel
As you’re here we’d like to thank you for your interest in becoming part of the SBC Tenant and Leaseholder Scrutiny Panel.
We’re looking forward to working more closely with people like you who engage with, and use, our services regularly to learn from your experiences and make improvements where we are able.
The main purpose of the Scrutiny Panel at Stevenage Borough Council is to allow tenants and leaseholders to have a say in shaping the council's housing policies, strategies, and other important matters.
It gives tenants and leaseholders the chance to share their views and suggest improvements to the Executive Housing Working Group and Cabinet. Scrutiny also helps assess how well the Housing Service is performing and provides recommendations based on its findings. The goal is to increase tenant and leaseholder involvement in housing strategy, policy, and service delivery.
Following the principles of Co-operative Councils, the Scrutiny Panel seeks to encourage diversity within Stevenage and work together with the council, understanding that achieving complete agreement may not always be possible.
There will be lots of opportunities to get involved with our Scrutiny Panel on a wide variety of subjects. Don’t worry if you haven’t been selected this time, you may be asked to get involved with other projects, as they come up.
To show your interest in joining our panel, please read the following Stevenage Scrutiny Information August 24 file which gives some details and shows some of the skills we’re looking for.
If you think you have the right skills and would like to get involved, please complete the short form below.
We’re looking forward to working with you!